Why Pageant Girls Should Use Social Media

If you’re preparing to compete in a pageant then you’re gonna wanna listen up.

Because I’m about to drop an important tip that all pageant girls need to know.

Are you ready?

Learn to use social media effectively.

Contestants and titleholders who don’t know how to use social media effectively will be forgotten and left to the wayside.

So if you don’t have a social media presence stop what you’re doing right now and go sign up on a few platforms.

(TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat).

Go on. I’ll wait.

Okay now that you’re back let’s get to this.

So why is social media important in the pageant world?

Social Media Helps You Build an Audience

Social media gives you the opportunity to increase your reach and help you build awareness of your brand, which in turn can help you build an engaged audience.

Having an engaged audience is great for building support.

And the bigger the pageant the more support you’re going to need.

Social media is also really good for grabbing international attention and support, which is handy when you are competing in international pageants like Miss Universe, Miss World etc.

Social Media Can Be Used to Further Your Pageant Advocacy

If your pageant requires you to have a platform then you definitely should use your social media channels to raise awareness of your cause.

As a pageant contestant, you will naturally draw attention from others, which can go a long way when you are trying to promote your pageant platform.

You can tag your pageant platform organization in your post, which can prompt the org to share it in their stories thus increasing your reach and potentially securing some new followers for you.

(See this post for how to choose your pageant platform.)

Social Media Can Help You Promote Your Sponsors

Let's face it pageantry can be an expensive sport.

Often you'll find yourself in need of some extra funds to help you on your journey.

This is where sponsors come into play.

If a business decides to sponsor you with one of their products or services, you can offer to make an in-feed post, Story or Reel (or even all three) about your experience with their products or services.

This is a great way to show your appreciation to the business that decided to invest in you and your dreams.

(See this post for 5 Instagram Tips for Pageant Girls.)

Bonus: This is also a great way to start establishing yourself as a content creator or brand influencer. You can use the content you posted to promote your sponsor as part of your content creator portfolio which you can use to pitch to other brands.

Final Thoughts

Social media is really taking over the pageant world as it is a great way to market the pageant and contestants to a larger audience.

Even if your pageant does not officially judge your social media usage it is a really valuable skill that you can present to judges that will make you sound more fit for the role of a titleholder.

So if you've been neglecting your social media, you'll definitely want to log back in and start posting again.

Comment down below some of the ways social media has helped you in your pageant journey.




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