Pageant Prep Tips: 5 Things You Should Do Before Your Next Pageant

Miss Teen Cayman Islands 2019, Ashley Gooden; Miss World Cayman Islands, Jaci Patrick & Miss Cayman Islands Universe Kadejah Bodden.

Miss Teen Cayman Islands 2019, Ashley Gooden; Miss World Cayman Islands, Jaci Patrick & Miss Cayman Islands Universe Kadejah Bodden.

You’re excited because you’ve decided to enter a pageant.

You may be wondering what you can do to make sure you have a shot at placing and even winning the title.

But where do you start?

Some beginner pageant girls make the mistake of thinking that pageant prep starts when you submit your pageant paperwork.

But, I'm here to share that you should start your pageant prep long before you sign up.

Contestants who engage in long-term pageant prep experience more success in the pageant.

Many pageant girls look back on their experience and wish they knew what about I'm about to share.

And that is, you have to take your pageant prep seriously.

This blog was created to give you the beginner pageant girl, advice on how to succeed in pageantry.

Here are pageant prep tips: 5 things you should do before your next pageant.

1. Experience is the Best Teacher

Cayman Imperial Beauties

Cayman Imperial Beauties


Competing in a pageant in front of hundreds of people can be nerve-wracking.

So get yourself some onstage experience before jumping into your dream pageant.

If you have the opportunity to enter a smaller before competing for your dream title, then do it!

Entering a Miss Teen or Miss World or Miss Universe pageant is a big commitment.

And it's one that comes with a lot of responsibility.

Doing a smaller pageant will help you determine if you even like competing in pageants.

You can also take runway lessons or sign up to do a fashion show.

The experience you'll gain by participating in one of these can help build up your confidence.

Ashley Gooden walking at the runway at NKY Fashion Week 2018

Ashley Gooden walking at the runway at NKY Fashion Week 2018


Walking in fashions shows can give you exposure.

As well as help improve your walk and generate supporters.

Those supporters will come in handy when it's time for you to enter your pageant.

This experience will help you discover your strengthens and areas that need improvement.

And knowing this is a major game changer for any contestant.

-And Vogue, and Vogue and Vogue

For the first time in history three black women hold the Miss America, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA during the same year.

For the first time in history three black women hold the Miss America, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA during the same year.

Nia, Cheslie and Kaliegh pose for Essence

Nia, Cheslie and Kaliegh pose for Essence

A big part of competing in pageants is taking photos.

If you are camera shy, consider doing a few photoshoots to develop your confidence.

Knowing your angles, poses and being able to find your light will help you to take great photos.

Doing photoshoots will also allow you to perfect your smize.

You don't want to be the contestant that gets in front of a camera and doesn't know what to do.

That will kill your confidence and send your photoshoot experience down the drain.

And it may cause you to be out of the running for the Miss Photogenic award.

2. Educate Yourself on the Pageant System

Audience at 2019 Miss Cayman Islands Universe

Audience at 2019 Miss Cayman Islands Universe


If you have your heart set on entering a specific pageant then you should attend as many of those pageants as you can.

Unable to attend?

Then watch it online or buy the DVD from the pageant organizers.

Doing will help you learn about the pageant's segments and the flow of the show.

This will also help you pick up some tips, tricks and trends.

Each pageant has its own branding and by studying the system you will understand what each pageant values in a titleholder.

Ask yourself what made this titleholder attractive to your pageant system?

Were they glamorous with their sense of style and into beauty and fashion? or were they a more conservative, low-key and down to earth kind of person?

- Application form


Get yourself a copy of the application form a year before you enter.

It'll help you understand the entry requirements and the expectations of a contestant.

Some teen pageants have academic requirements that you'll need to give consideration to. (think: report card, reference letters, essays)

(Side note: the essay question may be different each year. So be sure you get the current application.)

Some pageants require their contestants to compete in a talent segment.

Knowing this in advance will give you time to perfect an existing talent or learn something new.

-Know the Pageant Requirements

You don't want to wait until just before applications are due to learn if you're eligible.

You want to work to make sure that you meet all the criteria.

This will set you up as a contender.

-Know Your Pageant Committee Members

Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee at the 2020 Crowning Ceremony

Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee at the 2020 Crowning Ceremony


The Committee decides if they think you're a good fit for their pageant.

Introduce yourself to the Chairperson or Director and express your interest in entering the pageant before hand.

Chairpersons or Directors love when potential contestants express interest in advance of the next pageant.

If they know that you want to enter their pageant then they can send you an application form as soon as it is available.

Also, if they are familiar with you, then it breaks the ice and will make you a little less nervous when it's time to enter the pageant.

- Sponsorship

Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2019, Kadejah Bodden with Sponsor Personnel 2000

Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2019, Kadejah Bodden with Sponsor Personnel 2000


Competing in a pageant can get expensive real quick. (think: wardrobe, shoes, accessories, makeup, hairstyling, pageant coaching fees, etc.)

Some pageant contestants are able to fund their own expenses. But for those of us who are unable to do that then you'll want to look into getting a sponsor.

For my Cayman contestants, you'll find that major pageants do need you to secure a sponsor to compete. (think: Miss Teen, Miss World, Miss Universe)

Securing sponsorship can be challenging. So you should start by asking your family and friends for help.

They may know someone who owns a business who may be willing to sponsor you.

If that doesn't work you will need to approach businesses in your community for sponsorship.

3. Start to look for a Pageant Coach


Having a pageant coach is invaluable.

You should aim to contact Pageant Coaches in advance of your next pageant.

Pageant Coaches love discussing pageant training before applications are due.

Too many contestants wait until they are in the midst of their pageant to look for a coach.

That's not ideal.

You can start searching for a pageant coach as early as six months before applications are due.

-Interview Pageant Coaches

It may take time to find the right Pageant Coach so you may need to meet with different coaches.

You'll need to consider their experience and price point to see if it matches your expectations and budget.

If you know in advance how much your preferred coach charges then you will have enough time to save that coin.

-Secure Your Pageant Coach Early

You will have less time to train with your Pageant Coach once you start doing rehearsals, events and activities.

That means less time to work on areas that need improvement.

This can leave you feeling under prepared and stressed out.

Secure your Pageant Coach early so they can assist you with the application process.

A Pageant Coach can help set you up as a true contender for the title from the jump.

4. Live Like a titleholder

Raeanne Ebanks-Hydes, Proud Of Them Honouree fo Sports & Academics.

Raeanne Ebanks-Hydes, Proud Of Them Honouree fo Sports & Academics.


If you're serious about competing then you better walk the walk and talk the talk.

Don't wait until you enter the pageant to start thinking like the titleholder.

Start NOW!

Remember a titleholder is a role model to her peers.

- School Life


Commit to doing better in school.

Work on maintaining a passing grade in all your classes.

Consider doing some extracurricular activities as these will make you more well-rounded.

It will also give you something to talk about in the Judges Interview.

-Build Your Social Media Presence

I know you love being on social media.

But make sure you're using it in a positive and effective way.

The last thing you want is to be in a social media scandal.

I mean remember Karlie Hay?

*story time*

Karlie Hay crowned Miss Teen USA 2016

Karlie Hay crowned Miss Teen USA 2016


Shortly after being crowned Miss Teen USA 2016, past tweets in which Karlie Hay of Texas used racial slurs in 2013 and 2014 resurfaced.

It was a huge issue and one that could have cost her the title.

So be careful how you're using social media and be sure you do a social media clean up.

Use you social media channels as a space to align yourself with the pageant's brand.

So if they value beauty and fashion then use your social media to show off your beauty and fashion sense

If your pageant values lots of community service post pictures of yourself doing charity work.


Kristin Amaya, Miss World Cayman Islands 2017, volunteering with Meals on Wheels

Kristin Amaya, Miss World Cayman Islands 2017, volunteering with Meals on Wheels


Titleholders are often involved in community service projects.

Being involved in your community is an important and very rewarding experience.

The best advice I can give you about doing community service is to take something you love and turn into a service for others.

For example: if you love to sing then volunteer at a retirement home and sing and spend time with the elderly.

They will love it and you'll enjoy it too because you're doing something you like.

-Establish a Healthy Lifestyle

Kelsie Bodden, Miss World Cayman Islands 2018, working out

Kelsie Bodden, Miss World Cayman Islands 2018, working out


One of the benefits of pageantry is that it challenges you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But why wait until you enter to kick start your health journey?

Start exercising, eating healthy, drinking more water, and taking vitamins.

By starting your health journey before you enter it will become a habit and one less thing for you to think about.

-The Right Wardrobe Should Have You Looking like a Queen

Miss USA 2016, Deshauna Barber

Miss USA 2016, Deshauna Barber


Part of convincing the judges that you're the girl for the job is dressing like a titleholder.

When people look at you they need to be able to envision you wearing the crown.

Understand that pageant wardrobe is very different from regular clothing.

Study the trends of your pageant system to better understand how to style yourself.

You may have intentions of getting a sponsor to help cover the cost of your pageant wardrobe.

But it is a good idea to buy some pageant wardrobe items just before entering the pageant.

This way you'll be prepared for those first few pageant activities and events.

Consider yourself to be a walking talking billboard and the job is Miss [fill in the blank].

If the judges can't see the vision then they won't buy into the dream.

-Beat that Face to the Gods

Jaci Patrick, Miss World Cayman Islands 2019, practices her make-up skills

Jaci Patrick, Miss World Cayman Islands 2019, practices her make-up skills


Before you enter your pageant try to develop your make-up skills.

This will come in handy more than you know.

You may not always have time or money to run to a make-up artist to do a full beat.

And truth be told not every event or activity requires a full face.

Sometimes you just need a refreshing 'no make-up' kind of look.

Book yourself some make-up lessons or if you're a DIY person you can pick up a few tips and tricks from YouTube.

Kristin Amaya, Miss World Cayman Islands 2017 gets make-up done by make-up artist Sarakay

Kristin Amaya, Miss World Cayman Islands 2017 gets make-up done by make-up artist Sarakay


But you should also take the time to find make-up artists in your area that can do a good lewk.

The last thing you want to do is wait until you have an event to test out a make-up artist.

You should have 1-2 make-up artists that you can turn to who trust to do a good job.

5. It’s Not Just a “Beauty” Pageant

Miss Universe 2019 Zozibini Tunzi's winning answer in the Final Word. Courtesy of: "IMG Universe, LLC" The Miss Universe Organization Subscribe to the ABS-CB...


Pageants are not only about how pretty you look.

Segments such as the Judges Interview and Final Question & Answer give you a chance to showcase other qualities, like intelligence, personality and communication skills.

Contestants often neglect to prepare for these segments in the right way.

You should always try to present yourself as the full package.

And that includes having a beautiful heart and mind.

-Know What's Happening Around You


Get in the habit of following the news.

No one expects contestants to know everything that is happening across the world.

But if you're competing for a major international title you should keep yourself abreast of significant current affairs and develop opinions on those events.

Reading world news will educate you on issues affecting people that you may not have been aware of before.

Not only will this prepare you for the competition but it can change your outlook on the world and give you more empathy and gratitude.

-Know Your Why

Miss Universe 2015 was the 64th Miss Universe pageant, held on 20 December 2015 at The AXIS in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Paulina Vega of Colombia cro...


It is important to know WHY you're entering the pageant.

Or more specifically WHY you want to be the next titleholder.

This is your PURPOSE.

If you have purpose then it will help keep you focused.

Especially when things get tough and you feel like giving up.

Don't just make your desire to win the pageant your sole purpose for entering.

The judges will assume that if you've entered the pageant that you want to win.

Your WHY is what helps you standout from the other contestants.

And it makes you more interesting to the judges.

-Think Like A Winner

Henry Ford Quote.jpg

Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

And that quote absolutely applies to pageantry.

If you want other people to believe in you, you must first believe in yourself.

Feed your mind and soul with positive affirmations.

Read novels on people who inspire you.

The world is filled with people who were told they couldn't do something and against the odds they achieved their dreams.

If they could do it then why can't you?

Final Thoughts

Contestants who start their pageant prep early are usually the ones who are the most successful.

These pageant prep tips: 5 things you should do before your next pageant will set you up for success in your next pageant.

  • So get yourself some experience;

  • educate yourself on your pageant system;

  • hire a pageant coach;

  • live like a titleholder and

  • start thinking like a winner and you'll be leaps ahead of your competition.

Of course there are loads of other tips out there.

In fact, Pageant Planet has complied a list of 101 Pageant Tips (for First Time Contestants)

Until next time xoxo,


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