6 Virtual Pageant Interview Tips for 2021

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The Coronavirus has changed so many aspects of pageantry that we have come to expect.

A year later many countries are still grappling with the deadly virus, COVID-19.

As a result, pageant organizers have had to be flexible and adaptable to still produce a pageant.

As pageant contestants, you have to be willing to do the same.

A lot of pageants are opting to conduct a virtual pageant interview.

As a contestant, you may be wondering how you can still create those personal connections.

And how to ace your pageant interview without being in the same room as the judges.

That's why in today's post I'm going to share with you 7 virtual pageant interviews tips for 2021.

1. A Virtual Pageant Interview is Still an Interview

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You may not be sitting in the same room with the judges but it doesn't mean you should slack off.

It's still a judges interview and they are still going to expect you to be on point.

So do not underestimate your virtual pageant interview.

You should prepare for your virtual interview pageant in the same way you'd prepare for an in-person one.

Do not get caught up in thinking you will be able to use notes to refer to.

The best interviews are the ones where you come off as natural and conversational.

You won't seem natural if you're trying to read from a script.

Be sure you are practising your questions but don't memorize your answers.

Pageant Tips:

When answering questions be mindful of your pace.

You want to ensure that you are keeping a steady pace so that judges can follow along.

Sometimes contestants feel obligated to share their entire life story.

And this makes them feel like they have to speak quickly in order to share everything.

You don't need to share everything.

Pick 3-4 strong points of your personal brand that you want the judges to know about you.

2. Virtual Pageant Interview: Judges Can Still See You

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Remember that the judges will be watching your body language.

Body language can tell you a lot about how comfortable a person is.

Be aware of how you sit, your facial expressions and your gestures.

Pageant Tips:

Try to sit towards the middle/edge of your chair as it encourages you to sit upright.

Practice looking at the camera when speaking instead of the screen.

If the judges ask you a difficult question try not to let it show on your face.

It’s a good idea to record yourself doing a mock interview.

This way you will be able to see some of your reactions to different questions.

3. Dress to Kill in Your Virtual Pageant Interview

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You may have gotten used to dressing casually while working from home.

For your virtual pageant interview, you should be dressed appropriately.

This will show the judges that you are taking this virtual pageant interview as serious as you would an in-person one.

It will also help you feel confident and be present in the moment.

The judges will probably only be able to see from the chest up.

Consider wearing an outfit with an interesting neckline or a statement necklace.

That way you pop on camera.

4. A Virtual Pageant Interview Tech Nightmare

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We all know that technology is supposed to make life easier.

But technology isn’t always perfect.

That’s why it’s important to test your technology before your virtual pageant interview.

You don’t want to wait until it’s time for your virtual pageant interview to discover that your Wi-Fi isn’t working, or that your camera and mic aren’t working.

Be sure to check your technology at least a day before or even a few hours before your virtual pageant interview.

And if you can at least 15 minutes before your virtual pageant interview sign in to the meeting room.

5. Help the Judges Focus on Your Virtual Pageant Interview

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It’s important to limit your distractions by controlling your environment.

You don’t want the judges to be distracted by your background.

Consider using a backdrop that you can set up yourself.

That way judges won’t be distracted by your surroundings.

Be careful when using virtual backgrounds.

Sometimes they can be distracting when a part of your body disappears.

You also want to ensure that you're in a quiet, clean space that is well lit.

It is best to place your computer on a desk.

And that your face is in the middle of the screen you don’t want too much blank space above or below your head.

6. Let Your True Self Shine Through During Your Virtual Pageant Interview

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Much like in a regular interview you want to come across as authentic as possible.

A virtual pageant interview gives you the option of being in a familiar environment.

This can reduce any nervous energy and create a more relaxing atmosphere.

This is a huge benefit.

When you're relaxed you feel more like yourself.

And you will find it easier to come alive and show lots of personality.

You can create a warm and friendly virtual pageant interview by smiling, making eye contact and being conversational.

The Final

COVID-19 may have changed the way some pageants conduct their interviews.

But the way you prepare hasn't changed.

Be sure to carve out time to practice your questions on camera.

Focus on bringing out your personality on camera.

Make sure your hair, makeup and wardrobe all make a statement.

Test your technology and limit your distractions.

This will set you up for a great virtual pageant interview.


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