theresa k. cole

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6 Unique Pageant Talents

Many pageant systems have a talent segment.

Competing in a talent segment is a great way to showcase your skills and passions.

But choosing the right pageant talent for you can be hard.

Normally, contestants choose singing, dancing, playing an instrument or even performing a monologue.

Having to sit through a pageant where it's pretty much the same talent after talent can be very boring.

This week I'm going to share with you 6 unique pageant talents.


Karate or Martial Arts is a talent we don't see often onstage. But honestly, it is so refreshing and can send a positive message which is that women can be strong too.

Speed Painting

If you enjoy art then maybe consider learning speed painting. How fun, exciting and impressive would it be to perform this in front of a live audience?

Aerial Silks Performance

This is definitely one talent that will take some time to learn but man is it worth it.

Aerial silks are so beautiful and mesmerizing to watch and not to mention the strength it must take to be able to do some of those moves.


Ventriloquism is an interesting and unique talent to perform.

It works really well if you are able to create a comedy bit because you will have the audience so entertained.


Archery is fun and exciting and it also takes a fair bit of skill to master, which will really impress the judges.

And just think how entertaining it would be if you added some dramatic music and even a little bit of role play?


A gymnastics floor routine would be so incredibly exciting to see onstage.

I don't know about you but my heart literally stops every time I see a gymnast tumble.

And with floor routines becoming increasing creative it's sure to have captivated.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to pageant talents you don't always have to stick to the status quo

In fact, it can be quite refreshing to bring a new and unusual talent to your pageant.

As you go into your next pageant, I hope you will consider these 6 unique pageant talents.

Even if you don't perform any of these talents, try to think outside the box for elements that help make your performance more entertaining and skilful.