5 Instagram Tips for Pageant Girls

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With some pageants opting to go virtual, due to the pandemic, social media has pretty taken over the pageant world.

It is important now more than ever that pageant girls have a social media presence.

Social media can help you expand your reach so you can get your message across to a larger audience.

It's also a great way for you to promote the pageant, which your director will love.

But learning how to best use social media can be challenging.

That's why I have decided to share these 5 Instagram tips for pageant girls.

Pageant Girls Are Very Busy.

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From attending rehearsals, private coaching, to events and appearances there's no doubt that pageant girls are busy.

So finding time to actively post on social media can be a struggle.

But that's why there are scheduling apps.

Scheduling apps are great to use because they help you stay organized.

You can plan your IG posts and stories right in the app, thus making your life easier.

The two scheduling apps I recommend looking into are Planoly and Preview.

While both apps offer a free user option, personally I prefer Planoly's free features.

However, if you are able to invest in a scheduling app, then I would suggest using Preview.

Preview offers caption prompts, as well as other fun features, which are very handy.

But I encourage you to check them both out and decide which one you like better.

Keep It Simple


Unless it's required by your pageant, do not feel the need to start a second IG page.

It's a lot of work to run just one IG account never mind trying to work with two of them.

Do yourself a favor and keep it simple and stick with your original account.

Although if you have someone willing to run your second account for you, then by all means carry on.

But if it's just you, try to aim for working smarter not harder.

Plus anyone who's interested in following your journey to the crown, especially judges, will want to get to YOU.

The best place for people to get to know you is through your personal account.

Whether you realize it or not it's already curated with your personal brand.

What should you post?


Think of your feed as your personal magazine.

The content you post should be carefully curated.

That means it should align with your brand and tell your story.

But that doesn't mean that every piece of content needs to be professionally shot.

Remember you want people to get to YOU.

Your life isn't perfect, so your feed doesn't have to be either.

Sometimes a fun or silly photo of you with a great caption will be more relatable than a posed image.

Consider posting different kinds of content (ie. images, videos, reels, gifs etc.)

This will help keep your followers interested in your feed.

You can also opt to create a pattern on your feed by alternating between images and quotes.

How Often Should I Post

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Some social media experts suggest that you post 3-5 times a week on your feed.

But honestly, that can be a lot of content to organize and schedule.

So perhaps select 2-3 days out of the week that you would like to post.

That way it won't be overwhelming for you.

Also, be mindful of how often you post during the day on IG.

It is not necessary to post multiple times a day.

However, if you choose to do this then make sure you are spreading out the posts.

That way you aren't bombarding your followers with your posts.

Use IG stories

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IG stories are a great way to provide your followers with a behind the scenes look at your pageant journey.

Your followers are going to be interested in your pageant journey, so give the people what they want.

If you're at an event take pictures record video or even better go LIVE!

Utilize the question sticker feature.

You can have followers submit questions to you.

Then you can post the answers in another slide.

You can do polls, for example, "Which color looks better on me? Red or Blue?"

Posting interactive slides will encourage your followers to stay on your stories longer.

Thus increasing your engagement.

Final Thoughts

When utilized the right way you can leverage IG to help you spread your message to a large audience.

Pageant organizations across the globe are recognizing the value of having a strong social media presence.

So if you're not on social media you may want to get on it.

IG is a particularly great platform for pageant girls because it's photo-based.

You can make posting to IG easier by using scheduling apps and planning out your posts beforehand.

Try to stick to one IG account, use it to tell your story by posting consistently.

But don't overdo it.

Also, consider using IG stories to support your feed.

Your followers will love following your journey in real-time.


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