Meet Rashana Hydes, Miss World Cayman Islands 2021

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On Saturday, 29 May, Rashana Hydes was crowned Miss World Cayman Islands 2021.

She competed against four contestants: Alyssa West, Sydonie Barrett, Krista Ebanks & Jesika Ebanks - Calderin.

The ladies competed in Interview, Beauty with a Purpose, Top Model, Island Costume, Evening Gown, Final Question & Answer as well as Sports and the Multimedia Challenge.

In addition to winning the title, Rashana also walked away with Miss Photogenic, Miss Multimedia, Miss Top Model, Miss Beauty with a Purpose, Best in Evening Gown, and Best in Interview.

Krista Ebanks won the Miss Congeniality and Miss Best in Sports awards.

The Runner ups are as follows:

2nd Runner up: Alyssa West

1st Runner up: Syndonie Barrett

Since being crowned, Rashana has been busy preparing for the 70th Miss World pageant which will take place on 16 December in Puerto Rico.

Now that’s she’s had some time to get settled into her role as Miss World Cayman Islands, let’s take this time to get to know her better with our 20 (something) questions feature.


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T-stance on pageantry (TsP): Who ya fah?

Rashana Hydes (RH): As a proud third-generation Caymanian on both sides, I belong to Raymond Hydes and Dena Hydes (Anglin). I also belong to the Powery’s, the Ebanks’ and the Bush’s and the Manderson's!

TsP:  What does it mean to be a modern woman?

RH: If I had to sum it up in one word: Adaptable.

TsP: Adaptable. I like that. Definitely, a valuable strength to have in this ever-changing world we live in.

TsP: What do you think your purpose is in life?

RH: With every action I take - I know I am meant to inspire young people and to be an advocate for more Mental Health resources, both here in our beloved isles and across the world!

TsP: You have certainly been living your purpose, which is so inspirational. Keep it up.

TsP: What fictional character do you identify with and why?

RH: The character I identify with would have to be Mulan from the Disney animation. She’s strong-willed, capable and she blazed her own trail to do what she knew in her heart was right. 

TsP: She’s mine too! The training camp scene where she gets better than all the men is so inspiring. #girlpower


TsP: Do you see yourself as a city girl or do you prefer the country?

RH: I see myself as an island girl - a little bit of both! :)

TsP: Best of both worlds, love it.

TsP: Now comes a hard question… Sweet or Salty? 

RH: Salty! I am an avid lover of French fries, especially KFC’s.

TsP: Yeah girl, them KFC fries hit different.


TsP: If you had to DIY a gift for a friend that needed inspiration, what would you make them?

RH: I would create custom “Open when you need Inspiration” letters - I’d write personalised encouraging letters using my calligraphy skills and decorate the letter with drawings and photos of things that make the person happy.

TsP: aaww this is so sweet and who doesn’t love a personalized letter.


TsP: The Olympics was just this past summer. If you could participate in any Olympic sport, what would it be and why?

RH: That’s an interesting question! My hand-eye coordination is great when it comes to  Makeup, so I’d try my hand at Archery!

TsP: Okay Katniss Everdeen



TsP: Share your most embarrassing high school memory…

RH: I forgot that it was Senior Picture day….my photos speak for themselves! 

TsP: …

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TsP: Where did you attend University and what did you love most about it?

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RH: I received my Bachelors Degree in Hospitality Management with honours from the University of Central Florida in Orlando. I loved all the attractions, theme parks and restaurants!

TsP: So what you saying is you spent all your weekends at Disney, Universal Studios etc.


TsP: What clubs or extracurricular activities were you a part of in Uni?

RH: I worked two internship positions - one at a sushi restaurant as a waitress and another at a resort as a front desk rep. I was also in the Tau Sigma honours society in my senior year. Unfortunately, my anxiety made it really difficult for me to be more social during my Uni years. 

TsP: Two internships? That’s awesome. That is something I wish I did when I was in Uni. :) And to anxiety I say:


TsP: How do you think attending University overseas shaped the person you are today?

RH: I didn’t realise it then, but it really was a defining chapter in my life. My anxiety began during my time at UCF, it caused a ripple effect in my life - ultimately leading to my decision to enter Miss World Cayman Islands 2021. It was also critical for me to experience and appreciate different cultures, viewpoints and ways of life. It opened my mind completely.

TsP: I would say going overseas definitely opened my mind to so many different things. Wouldn’t change the experience I had for the world.

Pop Culture

TsP: If you had the chance to be on any reality TV show which would it be and why?

RH: Maybe The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - With all the glitz and glam it would be fun to have a cameo in an episode or two (But I don’t think the reality TV lifestyle is for me lol)
Tsp: LOL! I have never seen RHOBH, I’m more of a RHOA girl. But I hear that those ladies are very entertaining and also a bit


TsP: Name one music artist you can’t get enough of…

RH: Lady Gaga! - I remember when “Just Dance” came out when I was in middle school. I was immediately captured by her quirky, yet confident self expression.

TsP: Yeah, she brings so much drama to her performances and she does it with so much confidence.


TsP: Nicki Minaj or Cardi B? (choose wisely)

RH: I love them both, but Megan Thee Stallion :) 

TsP: blasts Savage


TsP: Are you Team Jacob or Team Edward?

RH: Team Edward. Sorry Team Jacob fans!

TsP: Same! Love me some Edward Cullen. But you know Jacob is a close second. ;)


TsP: Do you prefer movies or TV shows?

RH: Lately, I’ve been loving movies. 

TsP: Yeah, I bet with your busy schedule you don’t have much time for TV shows.



TsP: How does it feel to win a major pageant title on your first try?

RH: Incredible. It showed me what can happen when we follow our purpose, work hard and trust our instincts. It was also truly humbling to know that the judges saw my heart and entrusted me with this role.

TsP: It was a well-deserved win.

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TsP: Who or what inspired you to enter Miss World Cayman Islands?

RH: It was actually multiple factors and an interesting series of events. I knew that Mental Health was always a passion of mine, and once I graduated Uni I felt like I was just going through the motions of adulthood: 9 to 5, paying bills etc. I always knew I wanted to do more with my life: to inspire others and be a leader in my community. 

Then 2020 happened - and I was stuck in quarantine for months like the rest of the world. And during that time I felt something shift within me. More than ever, across the world people, were united by their decline in Mental Health: so much so that it was being called the Secondary Pandemic by mental health experts. In fact, my own anxiety reached an all-time high.

One day in September of 2020, I got a message from the Miss World Cayman page, encouraging me to consider entering. I mulled it over in my mind and brought the idea to my loved ones. A pageant?! Me?? Could I actually do this? But then I came to the realisation that THIS was the way for me to make a difference - to advocate for Mental Health and to be a leader. I put my self-doubts to the side, submitted my application and the rest is history!

TsP: You know what they say that which is meant for you will not pass you by.

TsP: How excited are you to go to Puerto Rico for the 70th Miss World pageant?

RH: It feels a little surreal. Not only do I get to represent my beautiful Cayman Islands, but I also get the chance to travel to a new place and participate in a once in a lifetime experience. I’m determined to show the world the true beauty of Caymankind - and to take the world stage by storm! My desire to win the Miss World crown doesn’t come from years of classical training but from heartfelt experience. I want to show people you can have a mental illness and achieve the honour of the Miss World title.

TsP: So excited to see you compete at Miss World. You’re going to do great!


TsP: In Cayman, we tend to have a one and done attitude towards pageantry. What would you say to convince young women to re-enter if they have been unsuccessful in the past?

RH: I would say if you have any thoughts to re-enter - do it! You’ll only gain more experience and continue to grow and develop as a person. Plus, you’ll be even more prepared!
TsP: This is exactly what I keep telling people. If at first you don’t succeed try and try again. So many great titleholders ended up entering their pageant 3+ times before they won and when they did win, that victory was even sweeter.

TsP: Your Beauty with a Purpose focuses on mental health awareness, tell us about your experience working alongside your platform organisation, Loud Silent Voices…

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RH: I love this story. When I entered the pageant, I knew mental health would be my platform - but what organisation should I choose? In January of this year, I decided to attend a meeting called “Let’s Talk Mental Health”. It was hosted by a small organisation I had never heard of, called Loud Silent Voices (LSV). When I saw the founder Jackie Neil, give her testimony and share the importance of their cause… I sat in my chair and I just KNEW that I was in the right place - and that this would be my platform organisation. I chose to champion Jackie’s cause to help get her organisation the traction it needed. I knew that I had to use my voice to spread awareness and get people talking about LSV.

LSV has stepped into an arena that no other Mental Health organisation in the Cayman Islands ever has: their assisted living facility is the first of its kind and will allow its clients to recover here in Cayman, rather than be sent abroad for treatment. The facility has huge operating expenses, so I started a Go Fund Me page to help spread the word and get the much-needed donations flowing. The facility opened for operation in July 2021, and this is only the beginning of the journey! 

TsP: Wow, so great that you were able to lend your voice and use your platform to amplify LSV’s initiative. Great job.

TsP: What advice would you give other young women who aspire to be Miss World Cayman Islands?


RH: Becoming Miss World Cayman Islands is about being a representative, an inspiration and a change-maker. You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to have an open heart and an open mind. What’s incredible about the Miss World family is that it’s not only about your outer beauty, but also your inner beauty too. You can be a queen no matter who you are, or where you come from! Crown or not - you’ll gain so much by entering the Miss World Cayman Islands pageant: including confidence, friendships, styling tips and public speaking skills just to name a few!

TsP: The focus that Miss World puts on inner beauty truly makes this pageant stand out. I can’t wait to see how Miss World Cayman Islands grows over the years.

TsP: And now for the question, we all want to know the answer to. Do you think you will enter Miss Cayman Islands Universe after this? 

RH: Hmm, I’ve actually thought about this! After my reign as Miss World Cayman Islands and I complete my Master’s studies, we’ll see ;)  Any opportunity that I have to represent my Islands in a positive light - I’m all for it.

TsP: Yessss. So many people are eager to see you enter Miss Universe!

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Rashana, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions.

Wishing you all the best in Puerto Rico!

Follow Rashana on IG: @rashanahydes


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