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Meet Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2020, Mariah Tibbetts

Mariah Tibbetts, Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2020

Now that we officially have a new Miss Cayman Islands Universe (MCIU).

I think it's time we re-introduce her to the community.

And I say re-introduce because she’s no stranger to the pageant world.

You may remember her as last year's 1st Runner Up to the 2019 Miss Cayman Islands Universe title.

But now she’ll forever be known as Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2020.

Keep reading as we play 20(something) questions with our new Miss Cayman Islands Universe, Mariah Tibbetts.


Mariah Tibbetts & Family, at Miss Universe Cayman Islands 2019

TsP: I've always wanted to ask you this, are you named after Mariah Carey?

MT: Actually, no. But my middle name is Tatyana which is named after Tatyana Ali who played Ashley Banks on Fresh Prince of Bel Air!

TsP: That’s fitting actually. Because now that you’re our new MUCI you could say that your life just got flipped turned upside down.

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TsP: If money was no object, what would you do all day?

MT: On island, I would volunteer with various non-profit organizations that resonate with me and my passions. Off island (in a pre-coronavirus world), I would love to spend my time traveling to different countries and learning about their cultures.

TsP: Yes I love this! Cultural awareness is so important.

TsP: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

MT: “Warning: Dangerous when Hungry”. I definitely get “hangry” if I go too long without food and can’t function until I get something to eat!

TsP: I think many of us can relate to this warning label. I bet you even do the little happy dance while you’re eating. Lol. (Insert gif of happy dance while eating)

TsP: What is your favourite family memory?

A young Mariah Tibbetts on summer vacation with family.

MT: I am so blessed to have such a big family who spends a lot of time together, so this is really hard for me to choose just one. Some of my favorites are the summer vacations we would take every year to the United States to visit my aunts and cousins – my siblings and I would play all around my aunt’s house, go in her pool for the whole day, watch movies in her water bed and stay up all night with our cousins joking and laughing.

TsP: Yesss summer vacations were the best thing eva! Last year I told the Miss Teen audience to say in childhood cause it’s the best kind of hood to be in. Lol

TsP: What's your idea of a hot first date?

MT: Something that I wouldn’t normally do on a regular basis. I know we don’t have these in the Cayman Islands, but I think an amusement park/theme park would be such a fun idea for a first date! I also really like roller coasters so it’s a win-win.

TsP: I love rollercoasters too! If you haven’t already you have to try the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit at Universal Studios. It’s insane.

TsP: What makes a strong woman?

MT: A strong woman is someone who has the courage to be herself in a world that is constantly telling her what they want her to be.

TsP: Okay Miss Confidently Beautiful.


Mariah Tibbetts in reppin’ Dolphin House

TsP: What house were you in, in high school?

MT: Dolphin. I actually still have and wear my P.E. shirt to this day (10 years later!)

TsP: Dolphin, interesting, I wouldn’t have pegged you for a Dolphin. And I’m sure you’re not the only one who still wears their PE shirt.

TsP: Who was your favourite teacher in high school and why?

MT: I had a good relationship with most of my teachers, but my favorite teacher was my Accounting teacher Ms. Forbes. She always encouraged me, acknowledged when I did good work and was so kind. We’ve been in contact a few times since I left high school and she was actually the one who told me about the Accounting scholarship that I applied for and was eventually awarded.

TsP: Aww I remember her. Accounting was not my thing but thank God for teachers who stayed looking out for their students. I’m sure she’s proud of you.

TsP: What is your most embarrassing moment?

MT: In middle school I got hit in the face with a football. The hit knocked my glasses off my face and I couldn’t find them in the grass so my friend had to find them for me. I was so embarrassed at the time but looking back, I laugh every time I think about it because it was probably so funny to watch from the outside.

TsP: Lmao I instantly have the vision of Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries getting hit in the face with a football multiples times. Hope it wasn’t as bad as hers.

TsP: What was your favourite subject? and why?

MT: I liked Office/Business Administration because it combined all the aspects of the different business subjects. I’m a very business-oriented person so I really enjoyed that.

TsP: Business oriented, I see that. That's one of things I really like about you. You know who you are and you stick to it.

TsP: Where did you attend University and what did you love most about it?

MT: I went to the University College of the Cayman Islands straight after high school. I was only 16 years old when I graduated high school so I didn’t feel comfortable enough to go overseas yet. After graduating with my Associate’s degree I went to Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I loved that it was right in the middle of downtown Atlanta because I felt like I got to see a lot of the real Atlanta culture and there was always something going on to keep me occupied.

TsP: What was the best thing about being away at University?

MT: The best thing about being at university was being able to experience living in such a different place than my home country. I had so many things accessible to me that I didn’t have in Cayman (hi Amazon, I’m talking to you). I also got to see all 4 seasons, which Cayman doesn’t have. My favorite was seeing and touching snow for the first time! I remember it so clearly - I came out of class and immediately video called my parents screaming (lol)!

Pop Culture

TsP: If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? And why?

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MT: Younger Mariah would have loved to be a Cheetah Girl. I made my sisters dress up in cheetah print outfits with me and sing the songs.

TsP: Wooo girl you taking me back to them cheetahlicious days. We’re Cheetah Girls, Cheetah Sisters lol.

TsP: If you could change the ending of any famous movie, which movie would it be? What would your new ending be?

MT: Truthfully, I don’t watch a lot of movies so I’m going to have to go with the obvious choice here – Titanic. Jack could have totally fit on that door with Rose until the lifeboat came.

TsP: Hahaha I think the entire internet agrees that this is legit #facts

TsP: Queen Bey or Bad Gyal Rih Rih?

MT: This is a hard one because I love them both, but I’m going to have to go with my Caribbean sister Rihanna on this one! I absolutely love all the women empowerment and inclusivity she promotes through her businesses and brands.

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TsP: What was the last TV show you binge-watched?

MT: Good girls on Netflix.

TsP: I watched a random episode of this show and it looks hilarious cause those women look like they know how to get themselves into trouble.


Mariah Tibbetts Competing at Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2020

TsP: How did you feel when you found out you were going to be the next MUCI?

MT: I was in complete shock. All the memories from being a contestant in the pageant last year flashed through my brain. It still hasn’t felt real yet – when I actually feel a crown on my head I will probably be completely speechless!

TsP: Bet it feels quite real now, huh?

TsP: Who or what inspired you to enter your first pageant?

Mariah Tibbetts wins Cayman’s Mini Queen in Our Little Miss circa 2004

MT: It was actually my mom’s idea to enter me and my sisters in Our Little Miss when we were young. I didn’t really know what it was or what to expect but I figured I would give it a shot. I ended up loving the experience of being on stage but I didn’t intentionally plan when I would enter a pageant again.

TsP: That Our Little Miss pic is EVERYTHING lol. (gasps) You had bangs! I love how your dress is the perfect length to show off your shoes lmao.

Since we’re sharing throwbacks I had to put up a pic of when you placed 1st Runner Up at Miss Teen Cayman Islands 2011. I love this pic because it looks like you’re looking to the future and boy is the future bright.

From competing in Our Little Miss to Miss Teen Cayman Islands to MCIU. I see you!

Mariah Tibbetts, contestant #1, after placing 1st Runner Up at 2011 Miss Teen Cayman Islands pageant.

Contestant #3, Mariah Tibbetts, competing in swimwear at 2019 Miss Cayman Islands Universe pageant.

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TsP: What has competing in pageants taught you?

MT: It taught me to let my natural light shine because when you are genuinely happy within yourself, other people can feel and see that. I am a perfectionist by nature so in my first few pageants I tried to walk “perfectly”, turn “perfectly”, answer “perfectly”, and the list goes on, because I thought that’s what the judges were looking for. When I got to Miss Universe and I had a few more years of life under me (and big thanks to my coaches at Royale Pageant Coaching for helping me with this!), I realized that there is no such thing as the “perfect pageant winner” and all you can do is be perfectly yourself.

TsP: Perfection is so overrated (and boring). I think we definitely saw a different Mariah this time around. You seemed more relaxed and confident.

TsP: What's your greatest fear about competing at MU?

MT: Being live on TV for everyone around the world to see.

TsP: I feel you. But you got this.

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TsP: What are you looking forward to most at MU?

MT: Getting to meet people from all over the world and learn about their different cultures.

TsP: Yeah, that's one of the best things about competing in international pageants, getting to "travel the world" without the added hassle of going through airport security. Lol

TsP: What do you think it takes to stand out at MU?

MT: Being able to showcase what makes you and your country unique while having confidence in yourself to go up against the best competitors from every country.

TsP: Very well said. I love that you mentioned the word competitors because I feel that often times contestants gloss over the fact that pageants are a competition and the aim is to do your best.

Wishing you all the best as you prepare for MU and we'll catch up again soon.

Did you learn something new about our Queen? Maybe you discovered you have something in common with her. Leave it in the comments section below.

Follow Mariah on IG: @mariah.tibbetts