theresa k. cole

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11 Radio Tips for Your Next Pageant Interview

As you get closer to your pageant night you will have to do a lot of promotion.

In fact, the pageant organizers may schedule you for some radio interviews.

Now you might think that radio will be a breeze to get through but don't underestimate it.

A radio interview is still an interview.

With that being here 11 radio tips for your next pageant interview.

Be Early

Early is on time and on time is late.

If your radio interview is live make sure that you show up 15 minutes before you're meant to on.

This way you'll have some time to gather your thoughts and mentally prepare.

Silence Your Phone

The last thing you want is for your phone to go off during your radio interview so make sure that it is on silent.

Be Confident

Every time you have an opportunity to speak to an audience that's a chance to show people why you should be the next titleholder.

It's also an opportunity to gain supporters.

So be confident in who you are and what you have to offer.

Have a Prepared Intro

Part of being confident is being prepared.

You don't want to be struggling to try to think of how you're going to introduce yourself.

Your introduction should roll off your tongue.

Make Sure You’re Sitting Close to the Microphone

When speaking always ensure that you are sitting close to the microphone.

If you aren't sitting close to the microphone then the listening audience won't be able to hear you.

And they'll miss out on all the important things you have to say.

Think Before You Speak

People will be hanging on your every word.

So it is imperative that you put thought into your answers.

But not too much though because you don't want to create dead air.

Don’t Eat Your Words!


Take your time when speaking and pronounce your words properly.

You want the listeners to be able to understand everything you're saying and not have to work too hard to hear you.

If they find themselves working overtime to understand you then they will stop listening.

Speak With a Smile on Your Face

This is a little trick I learned from my pageant days.

Speak with a smile on your face.

This makes your voice sound more interesting to listen to.

And it makes the listener feel like you are a warm and friendly person.

Don't believe me? Try it out for yourself.

Don't Be Boring

We've all had the misfortune of listening to someone who is monotone.

Having to listen to someone who does not change pitch is boring.

And it's the fastest way to lose your audience's attention.

So the next time you are on the radio use your inflection.

It will help you emphasize your emotions and key messaging points.

Let your passion and excitement for competing in the pageant come out.

This will make you so much more interesting to listen to.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

We all stumble over our words from time to time.

So if you find yourself tripping over your words, take a second to breathe, gather your thoughts then start speaking again.

Don't beat yourself over the small things.

You Can’t Talk If Your Mouth is Dry

This last one is simple.

Keep hydrated.

Walk with your water bottle.

Public speaking can give you a dry mouth.

You need to replenish yourself so that you are able to speak without difficulty.

Take sips of water during those moments when the host is speaking.

Final Thoughts

Speaking on the radio can be a lot of fun.

It's not as nerve-wracking as being in front of a camera.

But even though you may not be on camera it is still important to prepare for your interview.

So prepare, practice saying your intro, while smiling and using your inflection.

Be confident, speak into the mic, enunciate and if don't beat yourself up if you stumble over your words.

If you do all these things you will have a great radio interview.